By: Tara Garner
Remember our Family in Need
While dropping off supplies on her children's first day back to school, Tara has a moment with the Lord and urges all parents to practice daily remembrance of the poor.
God is Big.
Tara has a life-altering moment helping an immigrant mother; this story sheds light on the reality immigrants face in the U.S. - and how scary birth can be without an advocate.
Take the Journey With Us.
Tara urges readers to come alongside her team’s efforts to help women in East Africa experience the care and support they deserve.
Dios Le Bendiga
While in line at a Wendy’s, Tara chooses to feel what God feels about the discrimination she witnesses, doing her best to show God's love to the staff.
God’s Cleaning House
Tara speaks towards the work happening behind the scenes of G.O.D. Int’l, in living rooms full of prayer, where God is purifying people to be used by him.