Tara Garner
From the People Who Know Her.
“Over many years, I have been blessed to know Tara as a deeply spiritual woman who has an incredible heart for God and for people. She is a virtuous and gifted teacher, communicator and prayer warrior who is a giver of hope and encouragement. Intensely dedicated to serving Jesus by her acts of sacrifice and love, Tara has a unique ability to lighten the loads of others and to refresh the weary. I greatly respect her as a dedicated partner to her husband, an exceptional mother adored and admired by her children, and a source of inspiration and blessing to many people in her community and around the world.
“Tara was the first person to introduce me to the concept of ‘humanizing birth’ and then served as a doula for 10 of my grandchildren in addition to traveling to India with me to meet and encourage a village midwife and offer childbirth classes to first time moms. Tara’s life is characterized by love, generosity, hospitality, and prayer and I am thankful to call her friend.
“Tara Garner is one of the most kind, selfless, and inspiring people I’ve ever met. She has served hundreds of families around the world through their childbearing years and trained up over 30 new highly skilled birth workers, all while being an exemplary mother, wife and servant to her community.

Tara is Involved
Wife and Mother
Tara is a devoted wife and mother. Her husband Gregg Garner calls Tara his greatest inspiration. You see Tara’s quality of character most clearly in the response of others to her. An easy smile, a contagious laugh, a willingness to embrace anyone within arm’s reach, and a hospitable spirit that characterizes her to others.
Tara Garner played an integral role in the formation and daily operations of G.O.D. International. She authored an educational curriculum to prevent maternal and infant death, empowering women from adolescence through childbirth that has been shared worldwide.
Tara is a passionate educator. Specializing in reproductive and maternal health, she has taught in living rooms and colleges, reaching hundreds of women and families, both in Nashville and the third world. With her husband's encouragement, Tara pioneered the first childbirth-education emphasis offered at a Bible college, The Institute for G.O.D, helping other women become maternal-health educators as well.
Tara’s heart is for the vulnerable. Her notable compassion combined with biblical education, knowledge of patient rights, and persistence in prayer have made Tara a powerful advocate for women during one of the most vulnerable times in their lives. Tara’s love for people has never been restricted by borders. Her desire to speak on behalf of mothers applies to mothers here in Nashville, TN, the United States, and all over the world.
Tara writes stories that inspire and teach others. Many of her stories capture the challenges of starting G.O.D. International and NOVA Birth Services. Her sensitivity to God causes her to slow down and help others benefit from all that God continues to teach her through a lifetime of service. Her work has been featured in The Global Voice newsletter and published in the internationally acclaimed Midwifery Today magazine.
When Tara received inadequate care during her first birth, she knew things had to change, and so Tara dedicated herself to personally offering the attentive, humanizing care that women deserve during the vulnerable moments of childbirth. She has offered this care at over a hundred births. In keeping with her mission to help women all around the world experience excellent care, she co-founded NOVA Birth Service, to train other women to become doulas, midwives, and childbirth educators. Nova Birth Services has since become Nashville’s premier birth service.
Tara Garner Photos
Referring to herself as a "doula-grapher," Tara Garner has helped capture and celebrate the beauty and strength of more than 50 women during childbirth. She loves creating an album of photos that tell the individual story for every client she serves. Her birth photo, titled "Between Two Worlds," was featured in National Geographic.